by John McCall


Ben Franklin,
Gimme a Break

Puzzles based on Ben and Verse

The contents of 'Ben Franklin, Gimme a Break' are available to download as a single PDF file, with printer-friendly layout.

You can open this file in most word processors, or in Adobe Reader (installed on most computers), then print out the puzzle pages for copying and distribution to your students.

How to download the PDF file:

1. Click the link below:

Click here to download the PDF file of Gimme a Break.

2. When asked what to do with the file, click 'Save' (or 'Save to disk'). Find a place on your computer to store the file (for example, 'My Documents') and click  'Save' again.


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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
(In other words, please feel free to quote any part of this website at any length,
attributing the quote to John D. McCall, preferably with a reference to the website)
Rev 2010-1.